Azure Egger Female Chick – 2024 Line
Our Azure Egger Chicks are a lovely addition to any backyard flock. They are guaranteed female and loyal layers of blueish greenish eggs.
This is a guaranteed female chick
Quick Breed Stats:
Egg Color: Blue to light green, sometimes greenish with speckles
Egg Bloom: not typically visible changing the color of the egg but always present protecting the egg
Egg Size: Standard
Egg Texture: Very smooth
Egg Production During Spring and Summer: High 6 eggs a week
Meat Production: Best for egg production, males have very little weight on them
Heat Tolerance: very good if shade is provided
Cold Tolerance: very good if free from drafts
Disposition: More of a loner and forager but will come running for treats
Weeks to Maturity: 22
Free Range Ability: very high, very predator wise, very swift.
Likelihood They Will Want To Hatch Eggs (broodiness): low
Noise level: Not particularly talkative.
These birds are a product of a special breeding project that is now 8 years in the making. The result is a breed that reveals its gender upon hatch so we can guarantee you females.
The genetic makeup of these birds consists of Welsummers, Cream Legbars, and Sage eggers. Every year the line shifts a bit in terms of egg color produced, our 2024 our line has shifted and the hens are producing more dynamic and unique eggs that can range from blueish to greenish eggs, sometimes with speckling over the top. A small group of these birds will yield a fun and varied daily egg collection. The Azure eggers provide the complimentary lighter blue shade in the egg basket while our Sage eggers bring a lovely green that is a few shades darker with speckles.
Chicks are autosexing and follow the feather patterns of cream legbars as chicks: a large white dot on the head and lack of dark chipmunk stripe means male. Female Azure Eggers have a solid dark chipmunk stripe that starts from their foreheads and goes all the way down their back to the rump. Female chicks can have a faint white dot on their head. The trick to identifying the gender is distinct dark chipmunk pattern. Females can grow up to have little Mohawks or poofs on their heads which gives them some extra fun personalities!