Bantam Cochin Chick


Our 2024 line of Cochins will have a 50/50% chance of being smooth or frizzle feathered which makes them extra darling! If you have a feather type preference between frizzle or smooth, let us know in the notes section of the checkout process and we will do our best to accommodate your request at time of shipment/pickup of your chickies.


Available dates for shipping / pickup

Please select an available date from the calendar below. Note that available dates are shown in green. We ship exclusively on Tuesdays and we offer pickups from the farm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday of each week.



Chicks of this breed are sold straight run and individually meaning each chick has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.

Quick Breed Stats:

Feather Type: 50% chance of being smooth feathered or frizzle feathered. Birds grow up to be the following colors:

Blue or black with white speckling, cream, occasionally millie fleur with speckling.

Egg Color: cream 

Egg Bloom: sometimes the eggs can have a pink tint.

Egg Size: bantam sized

Egg Texture: smooth 

Egg Production During Spring and Summer: moderate – low 3-4 eggs weekly when not being broody.

Meat Production: not suited for meat or high egg production. This breed is best kept as companions and pets.

Heat Tolerance: very good if shade is provided

Cold Tolerance: not very high, would need ample protection from snow and wind chill.

Disposition: extremely patient, sweet, smart and curious. Complete lap chicken that will come running for treats.

Weeks to Maturity: 22

Free Range Ability: not very predator wise, best to keep an eye on them when free ranging or have them in a mixed breed flock for protection.

Likelihood They Will Want To Hatch Eggs: high 

Looking for a sweet compact sized companion? Look no further than the bantam cochin. Imagine a plump little cloud hovering just above the grass, following you about, scratching and cooing when bugs and treats are discovered. These darlings are excellent with children, great for practicing  and are dutiful layers of smaller sized cream eggs.

If size constraints of your yard are a concern, these birds are an excellent choice. They are not as descriptive on landscaping as our larger sized birds and they make excellent gardening companions. They are straight forward and have lovely temperaments. They are easy to raise birds that are darling as chicks all the way up into their senior years. From smooth to frizzle feathers, our group of bantam cochins are a dynamic group of all sorts of colors. From black, to blue to splash and millie fleur. These lovelies could be a complete looking flock on their own.

Cold hearty as well as heat tolerant, they can move through 4 seasons in the yard with you. Make sure they have a cozy coop for the winters and shade in the summer to make them most comfortable.

Cochins are a breed that do not reveal their gender upon hatch. Each chick is sold straight run meaning there is a 50/50 chance of each chick being male or female. Males are even tempered and have a crow that matches the size of their body which is . . . petite!

If you have a feather type preference between frizzle or smooth, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your request at time of shipment/pickup of your chickies.