What Sets You Apart?

I recently had someone write and ask “what sets you apart? Why should I purchase chicks from you and not a big hatchery?”
The question made me realize that I have not listed our mission statement clearly in a post in sometime so here goes!

We are different and worth supporting because we are a fully integrated farm and hatchery family business. Every chick we hatch, every egg laid comes from birds we work with and see everyday here.
We are a no kill hatchery (look up what hatcheries do to their extra male chicks). Every life is respected that we work with and hatch.
All of our chickens are free to roam on pastures, they are not in warehouses or breeding cages.
We breed for kind docile temperament and select sweet roosters year after year to break the cycle of people being afraid to go into the barnyard. Sweet roosters exist!
We breed for gorgeous egg color and season after season we develop fun new shades of color to create interesting depth to your daily egg collecting basket.
We have a strong environmental focus. We run on

solar power generated in an array in our pasture.
We have

plastic free compostable packaging for our eggs, chicks, and shipments/pickup boxes.
We are a zero waste farm, always making shifts to generate less and less waste. We love educating on this process and encouraging others along the way.
We donate a portion of our sales to the @childrenseternalrainforest for their reforestation efforts in connecting rainforest corridors. Boosting the lungs of our planet.
We do our own shipping/customer service so from first order placed to chicks arriving in your brooder you have help along the way.
We ship nationwide and also offer farm pickups for chicks. We are about to enter the sweet spot of weather being warm enough for us to ship to every state. From the first week of May on we will be shipping everywhere and you can order in confidence.
We offer chicken and quail keeping classes so you can work with your birds in confidence.
Why are we worth supporting? Because our hearts are in everything we do and we love introducing chickens and the lifestyle they create to the world. Less waste, self reliance, more outside time.