All posts tagged: pavlovskaya chicks

Drama In The Barn Yard

This week was a big week of moving all of our mobile coops around, deep cleaning and giving everyone fresh pasture. While all of the moving about was happening one of our Svart Hona Roosters came into sexual maturity and our French Black Copper Marans Rooster took notice!

Luckily I had my camera on me to catch the action and barnyard drama as the two gentlemen danced at each other before the Svart Hona got moved to their new part of the acreage. Enjoy!

svart hona and marans drama #3Marans and Svart Hona Drama #1


alchemist_farmDrama In The Barn Yard
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Those are some Olive Eggs!


It is official! Our first unique breeding project for olive eggers was a success, our hens just started laying and the results are in, the Alchemist Farm Olive Egger cross lays beautiful olive eggs!

 We started with an amerucana hen (egg on the top right) and bred her with our Little Peddler French Black Copper Marans Rooster (egg produced by a marans is on the top left) and the cross gave us the color of eggs in the middle. We threw in a run of the mill while and brown egg below for color comparison.

So what do these Olive egger hens look like? They took on the traits of their father big time and look identical to our Marans chicks at birth:

As they grow out and enter sexual maturity the sleeker body type of their mother comes out while they retain the beautiful Marans coloring. They are friendly but have the swift feet of their wild mothers to evade any predators.

 Interested in some olive eggers of your own? 

Fertile Hatching eggs (which will look blue when you pick them up): $4 each

Olive Egger unsexed chick: $20

Olive Egger nine- ten week sexed pullet: $50


alchemist_farmThose are some Olive Eggs!
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